Liebling German Bistro from the Tjoget Team

Liebling is a casual restaurant in Södermalm from the team behind Tjoget. The food is German-inspired, and the star of the menu is the hefty veal schnitzel. It’s a massive, battered piece of meat, slathered with ramson butter and served with accompanying sides, such as roasted potatoes with garlic, Brussels sprouts with honey, and dill pickles with crème fraîche. Trust us, this is the ultimate hangover cure. There are also a few types of sausages, and even a korvfest (sausage party) where you can try four different varieties, from currywurst to Thüringer bratwurst. If you’re looking to quench your thirst, you’ll find lots of our favorite German and Austrian natural wine producers on the list here.

Looking for more great spots for food and drinks in the Swedish capital? Check out our city map of Stockholm!

Liebling is a German-inspired restaurant from the Tjoget team.
Liebling is a German-inspired restaurant from the Tjoget team.

Address & Contact Information
Timmermansgatan 24, Stockholm, Sweden
Veal schnitzel with ramson butter.
Veal schnitzel with ramson butter.
There are lots of our favorite German and Austrian natural wines here!
There are lots of our favorite German and Austrian natural wines here!
Thüringer bratwurst with mustard and sauerkraut.
Thüringer bratwurst with mustard and sauerkraut.
Don't miss the dill pickles with crème fraîche and honey!
Don’t miss the dill pickles with crème fraîche and honey!
Liebling is a great casual restaurant in Södermalm.
Liebling is a great casual restaurant in Södermalm.

Have you been to Liebling? Let us know in a comment below.


  • Takk for masse gode tips! Liebling står ikke på lista dere over søndagsåpne restauranter, men vi var der igår og det var åpent 🙂
    (I tilfelle dere vil oppdatere lista)

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