Tempo Vinbar

Rumors & Newly Opened Restaurants

Located in Øglændkvartalet in Sandnes, Tempo Vinbar is a wine bar from Pål Gøran Stolt-Larsen Pettersen (formerly of Tango) and Kjetil Andersen (Ti Spiseri). The name Tempo is inspired by a brand of motorcycles developed by Jonas Øglænd, arguably the most important historical figure in Sandnes.

Tempo Vinbar

Opening: November 19, 2022

Category: Bar

Source: Sandnesposten

Address & Contact Information

Erling Skjalgssonsgate 2, Sandnes, Norway

Website Facebook Instagram

Anders Husa

Anders Husa and Kaitlin Orr are food & travel bloggers and creative content creators. From their base in Copenhagen, they operate the largest and most influential restaurant-focused travel blog in Scandinavia.