
Rumors & Newly Opened Restaurants

Located in Södermalm in Stockholm is Iníoní, a restaurant from Claire O’Halloran (former head chef at ICHI) and Lida Admantius (former restaurant manager at Kagges and Dashi). The name means “daughters” in Gaelic, and the food is inspired by Irish gastropubs. On the menu, there are scotch eggs, black pudding, and fries with malt vinegar. There is also an oyster bar with Guinness on tap. Sister restaurants: Barobao, ICHI, Symbios, Tacy, Gazza, and Madam.


Opening: March 24, 2023

Category: Restaurant

Address & Contact Information

Timmermansgatan 38b, Stockholm, Sweden

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Kaitlin Orr

Kaitlin Orr and Anders Husa are food & travel bloggers and creative content creators. From their base in Copenhagen, they operate the largest and most influential restaurant-focused travel blog in Scandinavia.