Natural Blue

Rumors & Newly Opened Restaurants

Chef Beau Clugston’s next project is all about sustainable seafood served street food style. Natural Blue is the little sister of Iluka and will start out as a summer pop-up at Broens Gadekøkken (next to Will at the Bridge) before it gets its own venue later on. The two items on the menu are shrimp roll (housemade milk bun rolls, shrimps in smoked butter, with a mussel and lovage emulsion) and battered fish with tartare sauce, cabbage, and lemon.

Natural Blue

Opening: June 5, 2020

Category: Restaurant

Address & Contact Information

Strandgade 95, Copenhagen, Denmark


Anders Husa

Anders Husa and Kaitlin Orr are food & travel bloggers and creative content creators. From their base in Copenhagen, they operate the largest and most influential restaurant-focused travel blog in Scandinavia.